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劳顿,好 房地产, Homes 出售, School & Area Information

俄克拉何马州的劳顿是一个位于俄克拉何马州西南部的城市. 劳顿 has a low cost of living, a diverse community, and a variety of outdoor activities, 公司luding hiking, 野营, 和钓鱼.

劳顿 Area Insight

  • 埃尔默托马斯公园的烟花表演绝对是过火了. The Army Band was awesome. I hope everyone had a great time. Looking forward to next year.
  • 自由节是在埃尔默托马斯公园举行的家庭友好的年度活动. 这一活动将家庭和我们的社区聚集在一起庆祝美国的独立. 这个活动提供食物摊贩、音乐,以及俄克拉何马州西南部最棒的烟火表演. Read more about this event and click the link below.
  • 劳顿运输系统接受了劳顿盲人委员会的培训课程. 他们戴着眼罩或视力受损的护目镜进行障碍训练. To read more please click on the link for the full story.
  • This is a great time to buy. Most owners still pay the buyer's closing costs. 这使得你可以用比租房更少的预付款购买你的房子. Rates on loans are around 4%. That is historically low. We have about 700 homes on the market in 劳顿. Average sales price is about $118,0000
  • 劳顿,好
    This park has a walking trail as well as a running trail. It is located off the corner of 2nd Street and Ferris. 当你沿着小径奔跑时,你会遇到从洞里探出头来偷看的土拨鼠. It's a great park for our children to play, 它有一个美丽的湖泊,士兵和当地人喜欢早上来这里钓鱼. 如果你的脚健康很重要,你可以选择土路. Come enjoy nature and enjoy better health.
  • 劳顿,好
    如果你是新来的,你正在找一个地方洗衣服, 请考虑将衣物送到位于Cache NW Rd 2413号的彗星清洁剂. Their service is friendly, 他们的价格是合理的,他们做了一个惊人的工作,注重细节. So, stop by and tell them Joe referred you!!
  • In between listing and closing appointments today, I made a quick stop to 去's Deli to grab a bite to eat. 在一个寒冷的雨天,我坐在那里享受着我的辣椒,在五分钟内吃完我的三明治, I thought this place really needs some recognition. 每次我去,都会受到微笑的员工、新鲜的食物和快速的服务的欢迎. 他们甚至为像我这样的现役军人或退休人员提供军事折扣. Their menu is very large and can accommodate anyone. 当然, 每个人都知道麦卡利斯特的甜茶是上帝赐予你的礼物,你想喝多少就喝多少. 所以,如果你赶时间,想要一顿满意的饭,至少要有10美元.口袋里有00美元,顺便去看看麦卡利斯特家的人告诉他们是乔·切斯科让你来的!!
  • Whether it is the people, 那里的地方或活动似乎总是在不同程度上适合这里的每个人. From mountain views, wide open skies, little town theaters, 购物, 骑自行车, 节日和一个似乎在逆境中变得更加亲密的社区罗顿拥有这一切.
  • Said to have one of the oldest mountain ranges on earth, 劳顿/英国《下载巴黎人贵宾厅app》 窗台上 has over 22,000 acres of wildlife habitat. The nearby Wichita Mountain Wildlife Refuge has over 59,000 thousand acres with 长角牛, bison and other species within its borders. Come explore for your self!
  • 劳顿 is the fourthth largest city in Oklahoma, (for now)! 我们被称为俄克拉何马州的STEM(科学、技术、工程和数学)城市. A great place to live.
  • 我们的地区不仅对俄克拉荷马州西南部,而且对整个世界都有巨大的经济影响.
  • We are fortunate in the 劳顿-Ft. 窗台上 area to have a place to relax and recharge. Sometimes when I have had a hectic day in the office, 我就上车向北去威奇托山脉地区. Even with unusually extreme winter weather, Mt. Scott is beautiful. 呼吸一口清新的空气,看看开阔的天空,似乎就能让我精神焕发. 在洛通卡湖(Lake 劳顿ka)开车,总是能看到宁静的湖水和群山的背景. 通常, 最后,我去了安乡村厨房,品尝了他们的家常菜,或者吃了一个多汁的汉堡,然后回去.
  • The city of 劳顿 was born on August 6, 1901年,科瓦瓦-科曼奇保留地开放供人们定居. A land lottery helped to allot the land. 一个人要想得到这160英亩的土地,只需要登记抽签. Mattie Beal was one of the winners of the land lottery. 玛蒂将她的一些土地细分为新定居者负担得起的土地,她的历史住宅今天仍然矗立在第五大道和首脑大道的交汇处.

    劳顿/英国《下载巴黎人贵宾厅app》. 由于美国印第安人的遗产和军事设施,斯蒂尔是一个文化非常多样化的社区. 全年都有许多庆祝该地区不同文化的活动. 劳顿/英国《下载巴黎人贵宾厅app》. 窗台上 is nestled just south of the Wichita Mountains. The mountains are a favorite for hikers and the lover of nature. 水牛, 长角牛, 麋鹿, 鹿和许多其他野生动物被允许在59号公路上自由漫步,020 acres of federally protected land.
  • 劳顿,好
    I have heard that 劳顿 now will have a new 演讲会 group. 这是一个推动个人商务人士走出他们的舒适区,站起来说话的团体. 如何 many times in life do each of us need to step up? 如何 often do we draw a blank, mumble something and hide? We need to step it up. A more dynamic individual builds a more dynamic community.
  • 劳顿,好
    我很荣幸能成为劳顿地区企业主和代表团体的一员. 每周见面一次,鼓励和帮助其他企业主,看到劳顿在这个时代充满机会的事实,这真是太棒了. We are living and seeking for the American Dream.

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